Rikei Starts to Sell PacketLight Networks’s100 Gb Ethernet WDM Optical Transport Solutions Offered in the Smallest 1U Chassis in the Industry

Rikei Corporation (Head Office: Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, President & CEO: Tetsuo Kuroda, hereafter “Rikei”) would like to announce that it has started to sell 100 Gigabit Ethernet (hereafter “100 GbE”) WDM optical transport solutions “PL-1000GT,” “PL-1000GM,” and “PL-1000T” manufactured by PacketLight Networks Ltd. (Head Office: Israel, CEO: Koby Reshef, hereafter “PacketLight”).
In recent years, there have often been problems with large network connectivity between two locations such as datacenters because of insufficient capacity of a traditional single 10 GbE line. When such a single 10 GbE line was not large enough to interconnect locations, data was transmitted by combining multiple lines to act as though they were a single line or by dividing traffic into separate lines, which often resulted in inadequate bandwidth usage, complicated network management, or other problems. In light of lower costs and easier management, the use of a single 100 GbE line was expected to increase, and this year, the first 100 GbE service was launched in Japan.
PacketLight’s “PL-1000GT,” “PL-1000GM,” and “PL-1000T” act as a 10G/40GbE/100GbE muxponder*1, transponder*2, and/or media converter*3. They are ideal for applications such as connections between datacenters, customer premises equipment used for dedicated 100 GbE network services, middle-distance metro networks, and demarcation devices*4 installed on customer’s premises. Equipped with an EDFA (erbium doped fiber amplifier), a mux/demux (multiplexer/demultiplexer), a DCM (dispersion compensation module), an AC/DC power supply, and a cooling fan, the compact 1U chassis makes it possible to meet demands for rack space savings, low power consumption, and an overall cost reduction.
Rikei will aggressively promote and sell PacketLight’s solutions to carriers and datacenter service providers.
*1 Muxponder: A device that aggregates multirate 1G/10G/40GbE lines into a single 100G OTN (optical transport network) uplink.
*2 Transponder: A device that convers wavelengths of optical signals such as GbE, FC, and STM-1 into separate wavelengths and transmits them over WDM networks. It is also possible to add FEC and PM features by utilizing the OTN layer.
*3 Media converter: A device that makes it possible to connect two dissimilar media types (such as fiber optic cabling and copper cabling) and coverts signals from one type to another. It is also possible to convert the types of 100 GbE interfaces.
*4 Demarcation device: A device that defines a demarcation point between a customer’s network and service provider’s network. For example, if a network problem arises, a demarcation point is used to determine whether the customer or provider should take responsibility for the problem.
About New Products
The PL-1000GM is a highly flexible, multirate 10G/40G/100G
muxponder/transponder solution.
- Acting as a 100GBASE-SR10 (CXP) to 100G OTN transponder
In muxponder mode, aggregating lines into a single 100G OTN uplink as follows:
-10 × 10G
-2 × 40GbE + 2 × 8/10G
-1 × 40GbE + 6 × 8/10G - Supported client interfaces: 10G LAN/WAN, 8G/10G FC, STM64/OC192, OTU2, OTU2e, 40GBase-SR4/LR4, OTU3, OTU3e, 100GBase-SR10
- 100G OTN uplink uses four wavelengths in each direction (send/receive)
The PL-1000GT is a coherent, multirate, multiprotocol 10G/40G/100G
muxponder/transponder solution.
- Coherent OIF-standard tunable uplink covering over 2,000 km and supporting up to 88 channels
- Acting as a 100GbE to 100G OTN transponder (supporting 100GBase-SR10/LR10/LR4 on client side)
In muxponder mode, aggregating lines into a single 100G OTN uplink as follows:
-10 × 10G
-2 × 40GbE + 2 × 8/10G
-1 × 40GbE + 6 × 8/10G - Supported client interfaces: 10G LAN/WAN, 8G/10G FC, STM64/OC192, OTU2, OTU2e, 40GBase-SR4/LR4, OTU3, OTU3e, 100GBase-SR10/LR4
- Ideal for long-haul backbone applications for Tier 1 carriers
- 100G OTN uplink uses one wavelength in each direction (send/receive)
The PL-1000T is a carrier grade, 100 GbE demarcation device.
- Acting as a 100G OTN transponder or 100G media convertor
Providing pluggable 100 GbE interfaces on both uplink and client sides
-Uplink side: Up to 400 Km, tunable 50 GHz CFP port
-Client side: CFP or CFP2 port (CFP2 port is scheduled to be added in December 2013) - Supported client interfaces: 100GBase-SR10/LR10/LR4/ER4
- 100G OTN uplink uses four wavelengths in each direction (send/receive)
For more information about the products, see the following webpages:
- PL-1000GM :
- PL-1000GT :
- PL-1000T :
* Company names and product names herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
About PacketLight Networks
Address | 27 Habarzel St. Tel-Aviv 69710, Israel |
Executives | Chairman of the Board: Yehuda Zisapel, CEO: Koby Reshef |
Line of business | Established in 2000, PacketLight Networks, part of the RAD group, designs and develops DWDM and CWDM solutions for optical fiber communications, data transfer, storage, and voice/video applications. |
URL | |
About Rikei Corporation
Headquarters Address | Shinjuku Nomura Building, 1-26-2 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 163-0535, Japan |
Capital | ¥3,427 million (as of the end of March, 2013) |
President & CEO | Tetsuo Kuroda |
Field of Business |
Corporate URL | |
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